How to Create Dynamic Wallpapers for macOS That Support Automatic Light and Dark Mode
I found surprisingly little information on how to manually create dynamic wallpapers for macOS that support automatic light and dark mode. There are some apps and some websites but I prefer a command line tool.
Besides some deleted medium posts and a GitHub repo that go into a lot of detail, I could not find the basic steps how to do this. So here we go, this is the summary how to do it yourself:
Assuming you have Homebrew then libheif and exiv2 are all you need:
brew install libheif exiv2
Step 1: Attach XMP Metadata to the First Image
For macOS to recognize that a wallpaper is supporting light and dark mode the image needs to have this structure:
HEIF container ├─┬─ image 0 (light mode) │ ├── HEVC image data │ └┬─ XMP metadata │ └┬─ base64 │ └┬─ plist │ └── {"l": 0, "d": 1} └─┬─ image 1 (dark mode) └── HEVC image data
Two images are wrapped in a HEIF container (HEIC is HEVC in HEIF). The 0th image has some XMP metadata which embeds a plist which tells macOS the 0th image is for "light" mode and the 1st image is for "dark" mode. There are some fancier options to insert solar altitude/azimuth into the plist (see here) but for a basic light/dark wallpaper this XMP is enough:
<?xpacket?> <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description xmlns:apple_desktop="" apple_desktop:apr= "YnBsaXN0MDDSAQMCBFFsEAFRZBAACA0TEQ/REMOVE/8BAQAAAAAAAAAFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFQ=="/> </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta>
To attach the XMP to the first image, make sure that the .xmp
file has the same basename as the image file.
If your light mode image is called light_mode.png
then save the XMP data
as light_mode.xmp
. Then use exiv2
with the "insert XMP" option to update the file in-place:
pbpaste > light_mode.xmp
exiv2 -i X in light_mode.png
Step 2: Combine Two Images Into a Single HEIC
The final step is to use heif-enc
to combine the two images into a single HEIC image.
heif-enc -L light_mode.png dark_mode.png -o dynamic.heic
For PNGs -L
(lossless mode) is usefull. For JPGs/photos just drop -L
That's it. The combined image can now be used in macOS System Settings and will automatically switch in light and dark mode.